How Facebook Ads help Small Businesses and Startups?

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social media marketing for startups

Having a considerable social media presence is vital for small businesses and startups. The fact that 48% of the world’s population is on social media consistently, makes it compulsory for any small business or startup to establish and boost its social media presence. It is a given that small businesses and startups don’t have massive budgets to pour into paid advertising and posts to compensate for the lack of presence.

Social media marketing for startups is no longer about being excessively active on all channels. It has become more about engaging with your best customers, sharing content that is relevant, helpful, and adds value to the customer’s life. But it can be challenging to decide which social media platform(s) to invest in, especially when new platforms are being introduced all the time.

Facebook is a great place to initiate branding activities for small businesses and startups. It is the most popular social platform in the world, with more than 2.7 billion active users. Facebook enables you to engage with your followers and reach out to new prospective customers, by providing them with helpful content that can direct traffic to your website.

Due to changes in Facebook’s algorithms, organic Facebook posts are no longer effective enough. Facebook ads are ideal for small businesses and startups that desire to drive relevant traffic to their website or generate leads. Social media marketing for startups helps in targeting Facebook ads to the right segment.

We have compiled a list of reasons why Facebook Ads work for small businesses. Let’s jump right into it.

1. Cost-Effective:

Facebook ads are known to be the most cost-effective, especially compared to other forms of online or traditional advertising. Read more Traditional vs Digital Marketing: Which is the best strategy for small businesses? With Facebook ads, you can not only produce desired results with a relatively small budget but you also have complete control over how much are you willing to spend. Facebook provides options for setting daily or lifetime budgets.

Facebook ads are a major part of social media marketing for startups that provide huge amounts of real-time data that can be analyzed to understand whether a campaign is performing well or not. According to the analysis, the campaign can be tweaked to obtain better results, hence bringing down the cost per action.

2. Precise targeting options:

Facebook makes a lot of money from businesses sponsoring posts using the ‘Boost Post’ function. The major issue here is that businesses don’t realize how important it is to target the relevant audience. Facebook allows you as an advertiser to narrow down to exactly the target audience relevant to your business.

Social media marketing for startups involves selecting the relevant target audience, focusing your ad-spend on the audience that is most likely to produce the desired results.

3. Greater reach and visibility:

Since the change in Facebook’s algorithm, the organic visibility of the posts from your business page has decreased significantly. Posts from family and friends are prioritized, said Mark Zuckerberg, effectively putting businesses in a corner when it comes to organic reach.

If you are intending to use Facebook for marketing in any capacity, Facebook ads are a must, to increase your reach and visibility. Having the biggest user base, advertising on Facebook can give you the best return on investment. Social media marketing for startups comprises inorganic and paid marketing to increase your brand awareness. Read more How to Increase Brand Awareness for Small Businesses.

4.  Retarget people with Facebook Pixel:

Retargeting customers who have interacted with your brand increases the recall value of your business and makes the ad campaign more efficient. Customers who have previously visited your website or have abandoned the checkout process without completing the transaction for some reason are retargeted with Facebook Pixel.

Pixel data also helps to create more audience like the ones who have already interacted with your brand. This means that with Pixel you can attract more of your ideal customers to your business on-demand. With social media marketing for startups, one touchpoint is not going to be enough to create a buzz around your brand. It is essential that people see your business 5-7 times before they finally respond to your call to action.

5. Lead generation machine:

Yes, you heard it right. Facebook ads are like the best leads generation machine. Once you have cracked the code to find the right audience using Facebook Ads, you can attract a similar audience using the “lookalike audiences”.

You can use Pixels to generate as many leads as you want and the best part is the leads will be similar to the audience that has interacted with your brand before. Social media marketing for startups utilizes this to increase the conversion rate.

6. Highly customizable ads:

Facebook guides you through steps that allow you to choose the kind of ad, the kind of segment to target, set the timeframe, and alter the budget. You can also customize the ad according to what you are trying to accomplish, in Facebook terminology they are called objectives. The various objectives included in social media marketing for startups are:

    • Post engagement
    • Website clicks
    • Page likes
    • Or any other specific objective

This allows you to take full control of the ad campaign and tells Facebook how it should be optimizing your ads to obtain the best results possible. Since Facebook provides you the freedom to completely customize your ads, you can create a campaign that reflects your brand and targets the right audience for better response.


Facebook ads are cheaper and people have this misconception that they won’t work effectively. If used properly, Facebook ads have the ability to take your business to new heights. Expecting results overnight is asking for too much, customize your ad campaign to suit your brand and the potential customer segment, and be patient.

Facebook ads will yield results better than your expectations. If you are a small business or a startup with limited budgets, looking for efficient results, investing in Facebook ads is a must. Facebook ads are an important aspect of social media marketing for startups and they can help strengthen your brand.

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